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This is the spot for sought-after fashion, bags, shoes and accessories for men, women and children from renowned designer, Armani. Featuring an impressive selection of brands, including Giorgio Armani, Emporio Armani, Armani Junior, Armani Jeans and Armani Collezioni, the Armani brand is synonymous with Italian style, with the designer revolutionizing fashion for over 30 years. Designed for the well-dressed and style savvy, the Armani label includes suits, jeans, shirts, jackets, t-shirts, underwear and dresses. Accessories include belts, watches, wallets, perfumes, sunglasses and bags, as well as makeup, cosmetics, jewellery – such as designer bracelets and rings – and shoes. The designer’s fragrances include Armani Code and Emporia Armani Man aftershaves for men, and the Armani Diamonds Rose and Acqua Di Gioia perfumes for women. Giorgio Armani specialises in high-end, ready-to-wear fashion, while Armani Jeans is a denim-inspired collection in a diverse range of colours. The Armani Junior collection features designer clothing for babies, toddlers and teenagers, while Emporio Armani focuses on modern and trendy ready-wear and runway designs. Armani Collezioni, meanwhile, is a stylish line of tailored suits and smart clothing.
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